Thursday, December 15, 2011

Forgiveness & Non-Judgment

“Forgiveness does not require doing something.  It requires undoing something: Letting go of judgments.” – Diane L. Ross, Meditations for Miracles

“Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom.” - Hannah Arendt

“One forgives to the degree that one loves.”  -
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.” - Paulo Coelho

“Let's trade in all our judging for appreciating. Let's lay down our righteousness and just be together.” - Ram Dass

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I caught myself the other day judging and critiquing the decisions that someone had made and how they should have been better.  As I was picking it apart, I took notice of what I was doing, how it was making me feel.  I suddenly felt the pain in my heart for that person, for myself – and had a moment of clarity where I realized – we are all just trying to put one foot in front of the other and do what we need to do. 

The fact remains that we all very often take on too much.  It is part of our cultural make up.  We are here to work on that today – focusing on one thing.

The fact remains that we expect too much of people including ourselves.  We are here to work on that today – focusing on non-judgment & acceptance.

The fact remains that we have been and will continue to be at the receiving end of pain from another and ourselves.  We are here to work on that today – focusing on Forgiveness of another and ourselves – “They (and we) know not what they (we) do.”

Just for today…

~ We will focus on the nothingness and oneness that meditation can give us. ~

~ We will focus on the concept of Non-Judgment. ~

~ We will focus on the Art of Forgiveness & how FREEING it truly is. ~

Forgiveness & Non-Judgment Meditation

Place your hand on your abdomen.  Notice the movement of your belly expanding when you do your series of inhalations and exhalations. This is the key to knowing you are doing it right.

Now begin your series of very slow, deep inhalations & exhalations with a count of 5 for the inhale, holding your breath for two seconds and exhaling completely for 5 counts.

Let’s do this 3 more times.

Now take the next several moments and do a body scan of each part of the body, to allow every bit of tension to be released completely.   On your own breath intentionally and imagine the tension being released with your exhales from any part of your body carrying tension.

Now that your body is sinking into a relaxed state…you will begin a special visualization.

Imagine a person in your life that evokes frustration in you or has hurt you in some way.  Hold them in your mind’s eye.  Notice what they look like.  Any particular expressions that they tend to commonly have.  Now, notice any thoughts that may cross your mind about your relationship with them.  Any negative behavior or encounter with them that fills your mind.  Notice if there is any changes to your body at this time, any tension, or any shortness of breath.

Now, you are going to begin to set yourself free from these thoughts and feelings.

Imagine this person standing directly in front of you.  Visualize them being bathed in the most beautiful, shimmering, Divine Light that is radiating from above them and all around them.  You can feel the warmth of this light, and you notice them feeling it as well.  The light evokes a feeling of innocence – like that of a small child.  You notice the expression on this persons face lightening.  They begin to smile.  And you begin to see them in another light.  You realize that they are at their core no different than you.  This new perception softens them to you.  You have an overwhelming desire to give them a big embrace.  As you embrace you feel your heart fill with love.  You continue to hug, and then you open your eyes and you say to them – I forgive you.  And suddenly, you notice that you are staring back at your own reflection.  

Take this time now and dwell in the light of your newfound sense of forgiveness of all.  Focus on this feeling and allow your breath to take you deeper into this sensation.