Thursday, March 7, 2013

Putting it out there...

For the last year I have been trying to steadily pursue my personal passions, in the midst of trying to be a better than average parent, wife and keeping up with never ending housework (not sure if that is a run-on sentence).

The passion that I have had the longest, but that probably I put off the most because of my fear of failing - is being an artist - acrylic painting, specifically.  The reason I have decided to pursue it more lately is: 1) I'm pretty good at it, and most importantly 2) It makes me feel REALLY good when I am doing it.  I am not sure about the art world - there are probably rules and certain etiquette that I must learn as I go - but I can only learn if I put myself out there.  I have met such wonderful people through my forward movement into this unknown "Art World", that have helped me figure out the details - and especially have encouraged me. 

I have now been accepted into two art shows - the first being the Crealde Juried Student Exhibition, and the second The Orlando Museum of Art 1st Thursdays exhibit The Art Of Women being held tonight March 7, 2013.  It is a chance for me to put myself out there, and learn about the "Art World" :)

I was recently watching a movie about the life of Margaret Thatcher called The Iron Lady, and there was a quote in the movie that has stuck with me: "I will never be one of those women who stay silent on the arm of her husband. One's life must matter."  When I look back on my life I want more than having been a better than average parent, wife and kept up with housework. 

Here's to everyone pursuing their passions and revealing how much life matters to them.  Our passions are what keep the light burning within.

"Compelling Soul"

"Kingfisher Perch"