Friday, March 23, 2012

Manifesting Miracles

"You can have a grievance or a miracle. You cannot have both." ~ A Course in Miracles

What sounds better to you, a grievance or a miracle?  We all prefer the miracle ;)

However, we have the tendency to wallow in “manufactured misery”, or what Martha Beck refers to as “Dirty Pain”.  This is when we take a detour off of the route to our objective – and our ego sounds the alarm.  This is when the manufacturing begins; when we start to complain about how much longer it will take or how much harder it will be...

“Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.” ~ Marianne Williamson

“When you fail to follow the exact guidance of your GPS, it automatically creates a new route for you.  So does God.” ~ Marianne Williamson

If you look back on the deviations to your path, 9 times out of 10 it was a blessing. 

So, imagine if you actually practiced FAITH, and trusted that the changes in your path are blessings.
And what if, instead, you focused on the quality of your inner state of being. 


Ponder this: Within the finest form of yourself that you can ever imagine – lie the miracles that you would love to witness unfolding right in front of you in your life.

Here’s something else to ponder: You manifest miracles by projecting them.

How do you do this?  The more you tune into the higher, creative vibrations that you are capable of, the more confidence have in recognizing JOY, PEACE, LOVE.

The greatest way to experience and re-familiarize yourself with this Pure Divine Energy that you possess internally is through stillness and silence.  Meditation is a way to tap into this silence.

The more your practice this “recharging” – the more familiar you are with the feeling and you may begin to choose activities that activate this feeling. 

Another way to practice this feeling is by Giving and Receiving Love.

“Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.”      ~Marianne Williamson

“Real love isn’t passive.  We need to put as much powerful proactive and intentional energy behind our love as some people put behind their hate.” ~ Marianne Williamson

Tips for Meditation:

The quality of your breathing is the first step in allowing yourself to relax into a meditative state.  It should be deep abdominal breathing expanding down in your belly, and exhaling by emptying all of the air down through your belly. (Like a baby breathing)

The second is the quality of the feeling inside your body.  There may be a buzzing or tingling sensation that lets you know you are tuning into your inner energy field.

We always begin by doing a series of slow, deep abdominal breathing – exhale completely first – then slowly begin to fill your lungs for a count of 6 – hold for 2 counts and exhale for an even count of 6.

Repeat this 3 more times.

Now allow your breathing to return to a normal rhythmic pace, but be sure and breathe from your diaphragm just below your rib cage.

As you breathe and relax, focus your attention to the space between your two eyes.  Allow all of your attention to go here.  This will activate your mind’s eye – and allow your creative energy to flow more freely.

And now if you will imagine yourself standing within a beautiful valley, surrounded by towering mountains all around you.  The valley is quite wide, and full of trees, greenery and beautiful cottage homes.  The sun is shining brightly overhead and there is a nice cool breeze in the air.  It is truly an exquisite day.  You notice you are standing on a natural path and you feel compelled to walk along the path towards a clearing up ahead.  As you approach the clearing you notice a large plot of soil that is tilled and appears to be ready for planting.  Near the clearing there is a red wagon that has several small buckets that are holding many different types of seeds.  You see a note on the side of the wagon that says – Happy Gardening!  So you decide, to begin to plant the seeds into the soil.

As you plant each different type of seed, you are flooded with a deep sense of Hope for what is yet to come along in your life.  You feel a sense of serenity and faith in the abundance of experiences that you will have a chance to be part of.  You are also aware of the life force that is in each seed that is planted.   And you feel immense hope, love and support for the success of each seed.  Each seed represents a miracle of life, and Love is the nourishment for its growth.  After you have finished planting all of the seeds – you decide to sit in a nearby reclining chair and ponder all of the miracles that you have sown with the Pure Divine Loving Energy that you naturally possess.

Take this time now for yourself and expand on this feeling of being a miracle producing eternal being.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Circumventing Drama

Just wanted to jot down this thought as a reminder to myself - be careful not to latch onto thoughts that can send you down a dramatic spiral.  Just say no to unnecessary drama. 

You actually choose the "higher road" by staying in the present moment, taking care of yourself by eating right, resting and exercising, going with the flow of a sudden change unavoidable to your course, and keeping yourself engaged in life with experiencing as many different healthy desires as possible.