Monday, May 16, 2011

Life as a Mirror

This is my first blog post :) The desire to write down what is rolling around in my head arrived this morning spontaneously.  And after a night of refreshing sleep and lovely cup of coffee this morning, it really seemed like something worth pursuing and easy enough to do.

So, I have been reminded of this idea of "Life as a Mirror" lately, and I had a moment of clarity about it in my collective mind/body/spirit.  This mirror works with the "Law of Attraction", which seems to have been referenced a million and one times these last few years.  We attract every situation, person, thing, we encounter in our lives.  The most interesting thing to me about these encounters is that they match how we perceive ourselves or how we feel about ourselves on the inside.  I realized today that when I feel left out of a group, or I try to say hello to someone and they don't really awknowledge me, it has  really bothered me.  So my "AHA" observation today is that I am not meant to have an experience with this group or this person yet or ever.  Wow!!!!  What a relief and release of feeling "less than worthy".  This notion, if I can hold on to it - will keep me from playing "victim" once again to not feeling "cool enough" or wondering why I don't fit in. 

The contrast to the above observation is that there are people that have came into my life that I have great admiration for and wish I could be more like.   I have often experienced feelings that I am not worthy to be as great as them.  Well - here is the "AHA" with this contrast - I have attracted these people in my life, so that I can admire them and strive to be as amazing as them in my own way.  This is how I feel about myself deep down - I have that kind of amazing within me.  Once again this sets me free from comparison.  Because the amazing ideas that come to each of us are one-of-a-kind.  No idea can be truly replicated. The ideas that come forth are immersed with your very own life's DNA. 

These two great AHA notions give me an "out" when the victim feelings begin to come up.  Some people are not on my life's radar, in other words, we have no necessary exchanges to accomplish.  And some people are on my radar because they reflect my innermost longings for my life.  Instead of envying them, I should appreciate what they evoke in me.  And realize that that is life mirroring the degree of greatness that I am capable of. 

These powerful observations allow me to add a few more paint strokes to the life masterpiece that I am creating.  As I clear away some of the stagnant, incorrect thinking that has possessed me, I will instead allow the flow of IN-SPIR-ATION to possess me. ~

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