Friday, May 20, 2011

The Joy of Being = A Being of Joy

I love when my daughter Maddie sings "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart..." :)  She repeats that chorus over and over, and it reminds me of how pure children are; they are so much closer than us to Joy because they have not yet been corrupted by the negative influences in life.  So far she seems like a tough cookie, though.  She seems like she could look straight into the eyes of Fear and say "Oh yeah, well God is bigger than the boogey man, he's bigger than Godzilla and the monster's on TV" (another one of her favorite songs :)

I hope that her disposition is in part due to her personality and her upbringing :)

Her innate sense of Joy is something to admire.  And when she is in a fit of rage, that passes within minutes.  She does not hold grudges.  It really is amazing to witness.

I on the other hand have a hard time shedding the anger and bitterness when it comes on.  Perhaps if I actually slowed down long enough to let the feeling pass, acknowledge what stirred it up and move on, I could get back to the Joy in my heart.  It seems like the bitterness can become habitual (maybe worse than smoking).

The concept of the "quality" of our inner being has been everywhere for me in the last several days.  Eckhart Tolle posted on Facebook: "When your life situation is all you know about yourself then you miss life. You may be very good at dealing with your life situation, but you miss life. You never really get anywhere. Life is now, not in the doing."  This was telling me that we are not our life situations, we just ARE.  I AM.  We each are eternal beings that are made of PURE ENERGY, and this energy is made up of Love, Peace, Joy (these are mere words to describe something so DIVINE).

This idea of just "Being" is not supported very well at this stage in our human evolution.  It seems like everywhere we look there is some source of media telling us how we should look, or how we should act or if you don't have this ______(fill in blank) then you will not be enough.  Well the longer I live the more I realize that they are all LIES! And I say that with all the motherly love I have for our collective "teenager" consciousness :)

So how do we attempt to rise above all of the bombarding global media gone wild?  JOY.

Abraham-Hicks, is one of the greatest sources of wisdom that I have discovered and they speak about Joy so simply: "There is not one other reason for life than joy. We've got nothing to prove to anyone, because nobody other than All-That-Is is watching. In other words, we're not trying to get brownie points from some other galaxy. We're not trying to get someplace else; we're not trying to get it done, because there is no ending—we cannot get it done. Everything exists for the purpose of joy in the moment."

I hope you share the JOY in this blogpost with me.  I need the reminder more than ever to stay focused on the JOY available in every moment.  In every encounter try to seek out the thing that evokes the JOY in you.  Even when you are at the dentist getting your teeth cleaned and the sharp tool is scraping in between your teeth, say to yourself - I am grateful that I am here caring for my teeth, and that this person cares enough to clean my teeth so thoroughly. (did this today)  Consider the collective care of this hygienist and your Being that cared enough to have clean, healthy teeth.  You can apply this to everything.  Even when you have a disagreement with someone.  You may say, there is Joy in diversity - there is Joy in the growth that may result from a new point of view.  There is Joy in making up.

I hope to witness Joy in every moment that I can stay present to.  And share this wish for everyone.

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