Monday, September 19, 2011

"The Butterfly Effect"

Today I received a piece of wisdom through an email message sent to me regarding the notion of "the butterfly effect". The idea is that every experience, or every moment, has equal value. There is just as much value in your encounter with your grocery clerk as your encounter with your family member. It is hard to grasp the two moments being equal, except for when you recognize that in each moment YOU are still graced with LIFE. And if you view each moment as a link to the next, the quality of each link effects the quality of the next. This does not mean that you have to be "on your game" each moment. It probably means that the loving-kindness and compassion that you express each chance that you take, will expand the quality of all your experiences. It brings up your overall vibration to a higher level of existence. I truly believe that loving-kindness,compassion, acceptance, service, and so on are all as powerful on a small scale as on a larger one. And it is demonstrated beautifully through this "butterfly effect" - or the ripple effect. A "small" gesture can vibrate onward to yield much larger vibrations. We should try to remember to not have any prejudices with whom we express loving-kindness and compassion. And always remember to begin with ourself. Imagine all of the ripples you will witness after experiencing a loving gesture. They are endless...

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