Monday, November 14, 2011


We all carry around non-dissipated feelings about "mistakes" that we have made in our past.  These un-dealt with feelings may also be from experiences in our childhood where we were taken advantage of by people that we trusted, or perhaps bullied by peers.  The pain from these negative experiences still lingers inside of us.  These wounded parts of our selves can hinder our ability to uncover our Authentic Self.  It is  like a physical injury that has not yet healed properly, and your body does not operate optimally.

Our Westernized culture does not encourage our emotional part of our selves to be fully engaged.  To be emotional is considered to be messy, irrational, unstable, self-absorbed and it is always inconvenient. 

But...our emotional self are just as much a part of ourselves as our beating heart.

If you ever want to uncover your Authentic Self, the very pure, real, genuine, best version of yourself - then you must acknowledge the value of every aspect of yourself.

Your mind, your body, your emotions, your spirit...

It takes time and practice to accept and love yourself fully.  Forgiveness plays a huge role in learning to fully appreciate yourself.  And because we are hardest on ourselves, then if we can learn to forgive ourselves,  it then becomes easier to forgive others. 

True Happiness can only be experienced by rediscovering one's own true nature or Authentic Self.

Through Meditation practice, you return to your true source of happiness, which is YOU.  By CONNECTING to your Authentic Self, you access the power within to deal with all of the changes in your life.  No fulfilled desire can match this power.  When you are in tune with your Authentic Self, you begin to identify desires that are EGO-based, and those that are in alignment with your Authentic Self.

"The Authentic Self is the "I AM" within that creates life, the originator of ideas, the "ONE", the possessor of Free Will" ~ unknown

"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." - William Ernest Henely

"Friends come and go, loved ones die, jobs shift, children leave home.  The only person you can count on to go the distance is you.  So, we must all develop IMMENSE self-love, so that when our worlds come unraveled, our Selves will remain intact and strong.  Because when all else fails, we still have ourselves, and selves that are grounded in truth and self-acceptance are spiritually indestructable." - Iris Krasnow

Emotional Guidance System ~ Abraham-Hicks

For the Law of Attraction to work for you, you need to raise your vibration with positive energy.  According to Abraham-Hicks, the authors of The Law of Attraction, your Emotional Guidance System is the ultimate tool.

Your Emotional Guidance System, communicates to you through your feelings.  It tells you whether or not your thoughts, actions and words are pointing you TOWARDS or AWAY form what you really want - at th deepest level of your being, not just on the surface. 

The key is to be aware of the sensations in your body

If you are feeling open and increasingly positive like: Optimism, Hopefulness, Excitement, Vitality and it then deepens into Joy, Love, Empowerment, and Peace...then you know that your thoughts and actions are moving you towards what your REALLY want.  And you are increasingly closer to your Authentic Self.

If you are feeling tension and increasingly negative feelings like: Discouragement, Frustration, Anger, Hopelessness, Shame, Despair, know your thoughts and actions are pointed away from what you REALLY want.  And you are increasingly isolated and didsconnected from your Authentic Self.

What can you do about this?
Ask yourself : How am I feeling today?

If you are feeling negative - use this process:
1) Make a list of what you don't want - then from this list...
2) Make a list of what you do want.

For example:

I don't want to feel so busy that I don't take time to take care of myself. (What do you want?)
I want a balance life.  I want to enjoy purposeful, fulfilling work that energizes me, and allows me to have a balanced work load, where I can take time to tend to myself, re-center and practice Prensence,  no matter what I am doing.

This is a wonderful exericse to figure out WHAT YOU WANT!  So often we don't know what we want out of life, we just know we want to feel happier.  This exercise is great to fugure out specifics.  Then set an Intention of this WANT, and use this Intention as a daily Affirmation.

This is a link to a wonderful article with tips to live Authentically.

Begin by focusing on your breathing - take a slow, deep inhalation counting up to 8, and a slow exhalation counting down to 8.  Repeat this two additional times.  As you breathe, imagine you are inhaling beautiful crystals (or diamonds) and you are exhaling old stale air.  Each breathe you take, you are freshening your body with beautiful energy.

In each moment that you are aware of your breathing, you are slowly sinking deeper into the comfort of your True Nature.  The eternal, flawless, complete YOU.  The Authentic YOU.

Imagine your breathe as a bridge - each time you are aware of your inhales and exhales you get closer and closer to floating over this bridge deeper into the realm of Your Pure Life Force.  This realm is unique only to you.  As you imagine your reconnection with this realm, where nothing and everything exist, you awknowledge a feeling of being home and feel connected to this perfection.  You also feel a sense of knowing that any time you feel a lack of peace, love or joy, this realm is always within your reach simply by breathing deeply and sliding aside your thoughts and looking beyond into this backdrop of infinity.

Take this time now, breathing easily and dwelling in this perfection that is YOU.

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