Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Power Within

   Happiness is a shared desire by everyone, every day.  Yet it is one of the hardest desires to attain.  It is no wonder that it is such an uphill battle, with the amount of false sources of happiness available to us.  There are so many people chasing happiness through external experiences.  And there are so few that are taking the time to access their God-given happiness within their very Being. 

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Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence – Aristotle

Some pursue happiness - others create it.” - Unknown

“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Don’t let circumstances dictate how you feel, or you will always be a victim… You must learn to tap into the power, the joy, the love and the bliss that lie within you, regardless of external circumstances.  As you learn this, your outer circumstances will naturally change to reflect these treasures (within).” - Diane. L Ross, Meditations for Miracles, p. 324

There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them. – Anthony de Mello

From Meditation for Miracles
 Bring Joy to the World, by Diane L. Ross

If you could feel any way you wanted, how would you feel?
If you could think any way you wanted, how would you think?

If you could be any way you wanted, how would you be?

   Decide how you want to be and then cultivate all your energies so they help you flow in that direction.  By being mindful of the thought, word, or action that you choose in the present moment, you hold the power to change your “vibration” or quality of your feelings. 

   This heightened energy level makes us more alert, more aware of our existence, more connected, more spiritually centered.  Our lives become deeper and richer. 

   Fear on the other hand is based on illusions, and you are paralyzed from experiencing Joy, your birth right.


The following exercises allow you to raise your vibration, or energy level:

-          Reading or watching a comedy, or any means to make you laugh

-          Consciously focusing on one thing at a time

-          Counting your blessings

-          Participating in any activity that you consider pleasurable

      -          Mini-breathing breaks – a series of slow deep inhalations and exhalations

-          Repeating a Mantra or Affirmation in your mind – “All is Love”

-          Tapping your third eye chakra 20-30 times while saying a positive saying to yourself – “I am grateful to feel so positive, so connected and happy.” (This anchors the positive feeling)


Let us begin by doing a series of slow, deep inhalations & exhalations with a count of 5 in, hold your breath for two seconds and 5 counts out.

Let’s do this two more times.

Now we are going to do a scan of each part of the body, to allow every bit of tension to be released completely.   Beginning with the crown of your head, inhale and exhale out all of the tension in your head. Imagine it coming out like smoke, and dissolving into the air.  Now move your attention to your face.   Breathe and be mindful of any tension that you may be carrying in our face.  Breathe and release it. Move down to your neck, and where it connects to your torso. Breathe and release the tension.   Be mindful of your upper body, your arms, your hands, your fingers.  Breathe and release all the tension.  Focus your attention on your abdomen, your hips.  Breathe and be mindful of any tension here, and let it all go.  Move your focus to your thighs, to your knees to your shins and calves.  Release the tension built up here.  Now move your awareness to your ankles, to your feet, to your toes.  Allow all of the tension to float away.  Now take a deep breath and let go of any lingering tension.  You are now free of the tension.  Notice that every breath that you take, you feel lighter and lighter and more and more relaxed. 

Now I want you to imagine a beautiful angel that is floating right above you.  This angel is iridescent, colorful and the most beautiful being you have ever seen.  This angel is incredibly nurturing and pure.  This angel is sprinkling magic dust that begins to evoke feelings of hope and love inside of you.  As your angel continues to sprinkle dust, you think about times in your life where your felt immense love.  It magically restores this positive, powerful memory. 

Take this time now to stoke the feeling of immense love inside of you with the power of this memory.  And then release the memory and expand in this feeling inside of you – as profoundly as you can.

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