Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Root Chakra

Chakra is a Sanskrit concept meaning “wheel of energy.”

 As the energy wheels spin, each one generates a vortex that interacts with the world around you, generating influence into your environment and receiving energy and information into your own system.

"Muladhara" is the Sanskrit name for the first chakra, literally "root".

It is located at the base of the spine and draws energy from the earth.  When the root chakra is balanced in a person then they are said to be grounded in the earth’s energy.  The color red is associated with this chakra.

An unbalanced first chakra will make it very hard to settle down, to rest, or to relax. Your root chakra literally connects you to the ground.

 Muladhara is your survival program.  In our modern world we think that these things are luxuries, but sleep, food, and a safe place to feel quiet and nurtured are needs.  In fact, the chakra system corresponds almost exactly to the hierarchy of needs developed by Dr. Abraham Maslow.  At the base of the hierarchy are food, safety, and shelter.  If you are feeling a bit frayed around the edges, maybe it's time to get back to your roots.

Physical Location - base of the spine
Purposes - kinesthetic feelings, movement
Spiritual Lesson - material world lessons
Physical dysfunctions associated with base chakra - lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, immune related disorders
Mental/Emotional Issues - survival, self esteem, social order, security, family
Information stored in base chakra - familial beliefs, superstitions, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasure or pain, touch
Area of Body Governed - spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, immune system


Questions to ask yourself about your Root Chakra balance:

·         Do you take pleasure in your family and your groups of friends?

·         Do you enjoy the companionship of your colleagues?

·         Do you feel a close connection to the earth?

·         Do you have a sense of belonging?

·         What about practical day-to-day living – is it easy or would you rather live in the realm of ideas, dreams, and myths?

·         Do you feel safe?

·         Are your basic needs (food, shelter, clothing) met? Or, on the contrary, are you overwhelmed by having too many possessions?

Here are some ways to bring life back into your first chakra.

·         Take a walk.

·         Sleep.

·         Take time to really enjoy a meal.

·         Get a foot massage.

·         Organize the space you occupy.

·         Get into Hatha yoga, especially the slow, deliberate kind.

·         Take time for silence.

·         Surround yourself with the color red.

·         Spend time in nature until you feel settled.

(Source: From: Feeling Stressed? Settle Into Your Root Chakra to Feel Better: An Ancient Energy System with Modern Applications, by Elizabeth Danu)

Root Chakra Affirmation

I am safe, I trust in the natural flow of life. I take my natural place in the world content in the knowledge that all I need will come to me in the right time and space. I am secure and grounded in the physical form and give thanks to Mother Earth for the nourishment, shelter and stability she gives me.

Root Chakra Meditation

Let us begin by paying attention to the quality of our breathe.  Reset your breathing by doing a series of deep abdominal breathing.  Exhale completely, and Inhale very slowly for 6 counts – holding for 2 counts – and exhaling slowly for 6 counts.  The key is to take your time.  Allow your breathing to return to a normal rhythmic pace, but still breathing deeply from your diaphragm.  Allow your breathing to be your guide into how totally you permit yourself surrender into this meditation.

With your mind’s eye, I want you to imagine an enormous, strong towering tree with its branches raising high into the sky.  The roots of this large tree spread deep underground, anchoring the tree into the earth.  Imagine that your body too has roots, going down from the base of your spine plunging into the depths of our planet and spreading out, just like the roots of that tree. These roots are the essence that will, enable you to draw into your body the positive frequency of mother earth.  Feel the awareness of the energy from the earth feeding your roots and absorbing into your body. Imagine the cooling, healing water and nutrients in the earth nurturing your body with unconditional love, and healing any wounds from your past.  You are empowered and strengthened by this experience.  Take this time to further this experience on your own and imagine your root chakra or red energy wheel spinning clockwise at a steady, natural pace.

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