Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Sacral Chakra

The Sanskrit name for the 2nd chakra is "Svadhisthana."  This word means "dwelling place of the Self" and “sweetness”.

 The 2nd chakra is located in the lower abdomen, about an inch below the navel.

The color orange is associated with this chakra.

The 2nd chakra is associated with creativity and procreation.

 It also governs emotional and sensual aspects of our lives.

The organs/glands/parts of the body associated with this chakra are:

  • Reproductive organs
  • All liquids in the body - the circulation of blood, urine, menstruation, tears
  • Hips, sacrum, low back
  • Kidneys
The element for the 2nd chakra is water, thus the association with the liquids of the body. Water flows, moves and changes.  A balanced 2nd chakra allows us to do that also.


 The 2nd Chakra level primarily focuses on:

Balanced emotions which promote a sense of self-worth that allows one to accept all the good, including abundance and prosperity, into his or her life - and regard for personal ethics.

 - Balanced sexual energy generates romance and healthy sexual relationships.

 - All relationships are healthy, and they are based on trust and mutual respect.

 "Honor one Another"

 -The Desire to Create something physical, outside of oneself, develops at this level, and drawing, painting, writing, and music are excellent outlets for this desire.

 - Feelings of wellness, plenty, pleasure, and joy - and personal power to fulfill our dreams.

 Imbalances in the 2nd Chakra:

 - “Living in your head,” being out of touch with what your body is telling you, and denying yourself pleasure. 

 - Anorexia, bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, and other addictions are attempts to nurture oneself in this kind of emotionally disconnected or detached state.

 - Sexual dysfunctions are also directly related to imbalances in the 2nd Chakra.

 - An underdeveloped 2nd Chakra can manifest as distrust, resentment, fear, apathy, pessimism, and anti-social conduct. It can also show up as continually worrying about what others think and always following the crowd.

 - An overactive 2nd Chakra can result in lustful, arrogant, or conceited behavior, and an aggressive desire to control others

Questions related to 2nd Chakra

1) How do you define creativity?  Do you allow yourself to fulfill creative endeavors?

2)Are you comfortable with your sexuality?  Are you strong enough to honor your sexual boundaries?

3) Do you negotiate your ethics depending on your circumstances?  Do you allow yourself enough time to respond to a request so that it honors your personal ethics?

4) A you a controlling person?  Do you engage in power plays in your relationships?

5) What is your philosophy on money? Do you have a healthy view point on money?

6) What goals do you have for yourself that you have yet to pursue?  What stands in your way of acting upon those goals?

7) Do you have a relationship with yourself?  How valuable do you make yourself feel?

(Source: Anatomy of the Spirit, Caroline Myss)

Sacral Chakra Affirmation

I love and enjoy my body. I have healthy boundaries.  I am open to experiencing the present moment through my senses.  I am passionate.  I feel pleasure and abundance with every breath that I take. I nourish my body with healthy food and clean water.  I know how to take care of my needs. I value and respect my body.  I am open to touch and closeness.  I allow myself to experience pleasure.  My sexuality is sacred.  Emotions are the language of my soul.  I take good care of my physical body.  I am at Peace.


Sacral Chakra Meditation

Let us begin by paying attention to the quality of our breathe.  Reset your breathing by doing a series of deep abdominal breathing.  Exhale completely, and Inhale very slowly for 6 counts – holding for 2 counts – and exhaling slowly for 6 counts.  The key is to take your time.  Allow your breathing to return to a normal rhythmic pace, but still breathing deeply from your diaphragm.  Allow your breathing to be your guide into how totally you permit yourself surrender into this meditation.

With your mind’s eye, I want you to imagine yourself floating down river in a beautifully hand-carved and painted canoe.  The canoe has vibrant hues of orange with swirling designs that accent the hand-carved wood details.  You are seated in a comfortable body hugging seat, and the canoe has a lovely canopy above that helps soften the bright orange sun, allowing you to notice the cool breezes in the air.  There is a gentle current in the water that is slowly moving your forward, without any need to paddle.  Along the journey you are surrounded by beautiful vegetation, colorful flowers and towering trees with dangling vines all around.  There is various floral fragrances in the air – making the air sweet and revitalizing.  In front of you is a delicious bowl of fruit salad and a tall bottle of water.  As you eat the fruit you can taste all of the different flavors of the different fruit, and you feel nourished and refreshed.  You reach down into the water and feel the coolness and the gently flowing current.  You splash some water on your face and it perks you up.

The perfection of this setting allows you to experiences your many senses.  The views and the sounds and the smells and the tastes and the feeling re-vitalize your sense of self.  You realize the importance if taking time to tune-into your senses, inspiring your spirit so that you may create a life for yourself and those that you share a life that you can feel proud of.  You may reinvent the ways that you live – so that you may experience as many different realities as possible.  So that you may live from your deepest form passion…

Take this time for yourself dwell in your place of self.

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