Friday, November 2, 2012

Overcoming the Ego's Love of Drama

     Our egos LOVE drama.  When there is an unpleasant feeling that comes up, our egos have a tendancy to grip onto it.  It wants to extract all the "juice"out of this feeling - who, what, when, where, why and how.  And if we are not conscious - we allow this to happen.  It festers and builds into something bigger than it needs to be - and we then drag it around into all kinds of other areas of our lives - kind of like Pigpen from the Peanuts gang :) 

     I heard a great analogy about the ego recently - the ego is our very own warrior (wish I can remember where I read this - maybe I should Google it).  A warrior fights for what he/she believes in.  Nothing wrong with that, in fact it is quite noble to me.  And what I have learned is that our egos are fighting for our individual beliefs - which reside in our subconscious minds.
     Our egos are part of our conscous minds, which handles the decisive/creative aspects of our lives such as: will, perception, reason, intuition, imagination, short term memory.  And these decision and creations stem from the unconcious mind - where we store our long-term memory (in fact everything you have ever done is stored here), and our beliefs about life.  Even the unhealthy beliefs.  These beliefs are imprinted into our psyche.  The beliefs are based on pivitol life events, or repeated thoughts and experiences including ideas that have been passed to us from parents, peers and teachers or mentors.  These are the beliefs that our ego goes to battle to defend. 

      So back to the idea of the ego loving drama - the feelings that come up that create bad moods, that create bad experiences, many times are based on the belief systems stashed away in your subconscious mind expecting things to be a certain way.  So naturally your egoic warrior will defend those pre-determined beliefs.  

     Having this understand about the inner workings of the mind is crucial in helping change the outcome of your life.  Some ways to overcome the drama and be more in control of your feelings include:

1) Practicing active states of AWARENESS OF THE PRESENT MOMENT.  Being here now.  Which is all there is anyways.

2) Determine if a belief is a healthy one is by asking yourself: "Is this for the greater good of all, or is it kind, or just, or loving?"  You can write your answers and you will tap into a more creative part of your brain.

3) Meditation is a means to harness your focus.  Focusing on your breathe, or on a guided meditation, or on the feeling in your body - you can recharge your battery from the field of pure cosciousness - which is where ALL energy stems from, and potentially acquire wisdom from your deepest self, or spirit.

4) Creative visualization is similar to meditation, but it is where you take a passionate idea and expand on it within your mind's eye - and visualize its development.

What I continue to discover every day, especially the older I get is that LIFE is too precious to waste on bad feelings that take the wind out of your sails.  We CAN recognize the negative feelings quickly, and take the time right then to change the direction of where we are headed.  We may be headed towards a tidal wave, when we can be headed towards Fantasy Island :)


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